6 Web Security Tips for Shady Chrome Extensions
Important online security tips
This is a subscriber-only update to Steve Faktor’s Deconstructing Google Strategy article in Forbes. It’s a deep-dive into what Google & its competitors might do next.
Google Strategy Part II: The Deep Dive [Free Login] Read More »
After Google’s I/O announcements, I flashed back to a dozen or so conversations I’ve had with executives and entrepreneurs about what Google is doing. Reading between the lines, some imagined buying yachts after a Google acquisition. Others feared downgrading to an inner tube if Google entered their space. The best way to think about what Google might
I’ve practiced this confession dozens of times. It never goes well. I thought I could keep it a secret forever, but it’s been eating me up inside. Finally, I’m ready to admit that I haven’t seen an Internet ad in six years. I am an Ad-Blocker. Imagine the toll this taken on my family –
Confessions of an Ad Blocker Profit from My Dirty Web of Lies Read More »