
Decolonized, Demoralized, Dehumanized: The Lost Israel-Palestine Narratives [The McFuture Podcast]

Notice how quickly we went from “We’re just criticizing Israel’s policies!” to celebrating executions of Jews and bombing synagogues. Hamas’s barbaric terrorist attack not only exposed Israel’s fragility, but a global network of antisemitism in academia, media, and our very own friendships. The veil has been lifted. We’re in a Roger Waters wet dream, where […]

Decolonized, Demoralized, Dehumanized: The Lost Israel-Palestine Narratives [The McFuture Podcast] Read More »

University of Austin: The New Harvard…Or Trader Joe’s?

Can the new University of Austin, based on principles of free speech, and founded by famous liberal academics and journalists, disrupt academia? A short episode on what it will take to disrupt education and the college crime syndicate. Watch the video version here and please subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you enjoy this, please like/share/review/comment/subscribe on: YouTube, iTunes,  Spotify,  Google,  Stitcher,  TuneIn, RSS

University of Austin: The New Harvard…Or Trader Joe’s? Read More »

Schooled By Stiglitz – Nobel Economist’s 40-Minute Crash Course on EVERYTHING

Ever get the urge to run all your wild theories by a Nobel Prize-winning economist? Well, I got to do just that with the former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Columbia University Professor, and author of:  People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens

Schooled By Stiglitz – Nobel Economist’s 40-Minute Crash Course on EVERYTHING Read More »

12½ Truth Bombs

In this very special episode of The McFuture, we’ll bust 12½* modern myths about money, business, education, tech and government. Many of our assumptions deserves ruthless scrutiny. Questioning assumptions is how we innovate and shape our future.  It’s how we demand more from ourselves, employers and leaders.   Some of these will definitely trigger you. But

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