hillary clinton

Myth of the American Idle

Sunday’s presidential debate featured a room full of undecided voters asking the candidates questions. Well, I have a question for them: What the f**k?!?? Are they the most diligent people on earth, poring over The Economist and Foreign Policy for nuances? Or, is their existence more mystifying than the big bang. Or, a 10th season of The Big Bang Theory. In an

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Resting Bitch Face: 23 Sassy Observations From The First Presidential Debate

First, I rejoiced at Donald’s convention coup, then at Hillary’s coronation. Now, my two heroes on one stage!!! The only thing left is that Meet the Press/Spongebob crossover and I can die happy… Anyway, here are my observations from the first presidential debate: Hillary’s first answer was like a keyword orgasm. She’s been studying so hard, she had

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The One Lie That Will Save American Democracy

Like rotten fruit suspended in Jell-O, we’ve congealed inside a failing two party system. The two likely nominees for president have the combined likability of a hemorrhoid playing Mariachi music. Sure, many still yearn for a decade at Bernie’s 350-million-man kibbutz. Others now get their crackers…wafers…at The Church of Trumpology. Some endorse Donald Trump, hoping he can bring the apocalypse, er,

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