Rotten, Rotten Tomatoes | The McFuture Podcast
Business breakdowns of the movie industry, medicalizing America, ungrateful billionaires, conspiracies, & of course Rotten Tomatoes.
Business breakdowns of the movie industry, medicalizing America, ungrateful billionaires, conspiracies, & of course Rotten Tomatoes.
(This is a re-post of Steve Faktor’s viral original article on LinkedIn) Matt Damon recently said “the system is rigged.” Immediately, I felt horrible. If the world is against this handsome, famous, multi-millionaire, what hope does a business hobbit like me have? He’s not the first to repeat this feel-bad, defeatist mantra. It was a cornerstone of the
Unrig It Yourself! A New Year’s Intervention of Hope – for Doers Read More »