The Morality Map for Leaders
How leaders can reframe the three imperatives of business & their tricky overlaps
How leaders can reframe the three imperatives of business & their tricky overlaps
Comedian & former Food Network host Josh Denny joins Steve Faktor to discuss his cancellation, resurrection as an ad executive & their hard-fought business lessons.
CANCEL SURVIVOR: Business Lessons w/Josh Denny & Steve Faktor Read More »
For weeks, the people of Hong Kong have been protesting China’s demand for extradition to the mainland. This would signal an end to the city’s independence. As the conflict rages on – and escalates, many want to help but are powerless. The best they can do is express solidarity online. That’s exactly what Houston Rockets
Open Twitter or Facebook and immediately, hordes of iPreachers instruct you how to live: “Eat organic!” “Go green!” “Do yoga and meditate daily!” Then their enlightened, bourgeois friends chime in: “YAAAASSSSS, QUEEEEENNNN!!!!” COME TO MY BIKRAM RETREAT SUNDAY!! I JUST ATE HALF AN ALMOND! #SOGUILTY Back in reality, principle is a luxury good. Even if