Rotten, Rotten Tomatoes | The McFuture Podcast
Business breakdowns of the movie industry, medicalizing America, ungrateful billionaires, conspiracies, & of course Rotten Tomatoes.
Business breakdowns of the movie industry, medicalizing America, ungrateful billionaires, conspiracies, & of course Rotten Tomatoes.
“Influence” is the most powerful and misunderstood force in society today. It’s often confused with power, fame, talent and even force. But real influence is far more graceful and subversive. Real influence is born out of conquest but wielded with grace. And real influencers have more in common with pioneers who settled the West, than
Sure all those social media apps on your phone have quirky logos and cutesy names. (Is Fandoogle taken?) But every one of these companies is a stone cold KILLER. While filling our days with grumpy cat videos, they fill their bellies with fleshy chunks of hopeful, desperate media partners, who learned the hard way that
Beautiful Zombies [The 12 New Rules For The Future of Media, Part 2] Read More »