10 Radical Ideas To Reanimate The CNN Zombie & Reinvent TV News
10 radical ideas for reinventing CNN & saving dying cable TV news networks.
10 Radical Ideas To Reanimate The CNN Zombie & Reinvent TV News Read More »
10 radical ideas for reinventing CNN & saving dying cable TV news networks.
10 Radical Ideas To Reanimate The CNN Zombie & Reinvent TV News Read More »
The 2 biggest secrets behind cancel culture’s motives, who the real government is & why the next President will be a good little boy or girl.
Steve eviscerates the sorry state of journalism, rise of corporate media operations & frightening new social network Clubhouse
Sure all those social media apps on your phone have quirky logos and cutesy names. (Is Fandoogle taken?) But every one of these companies is a stone cold KILLER. While filling our days with grumpy cat videos, they fill their bellies with fleshy chunks of hopeful, desperate media partners, who learned the hard way that
Beautiful Zombies [The 12 New Rules For The Future of Media, Part 2] Read More »
Why did Netflix become a devious backstabber? In a game of F***/Marry/Kill, why would Spotify marry me, murder Adele, and f*** Sony? And why the does the future of YouTube hang on our loins? Believe it or not, each of those questions is deeper and funnier than it looks. This three part series dares to
The 12 New Rules For The Future of Media [Part 1: The Platformation] Read More »
From the rubble of #FakeNews, cherry-picked truths, and reality bubbles, America is quietly having a journalism renaissance. But its fate is in our hands. Here’s a formula for making American journalism great again. #journalism #media