6 Web Security Tips for Shady Chrome Extensions
Important online security tips
With this Tweet, Microsoft and MasterCard (“Mastersoft”?) announced their partnership to create “universal digital identities“: Voting, driving, applying for a job, renting a home, getting married and boarding a plane: what do these all have in common? You need to prove your identity. In partnership with @Microsoft, we are working to create universally-recognized digital identity. https://t.co/He5syqa5g7
Status: Occurring Prediction: Google will know all “Google knows your dark, ugly, dirty truths. Your transcribed Google Voice messages reveal you argued nonstop on that island vacation as your kids yelled, “I hate you!” in the background. Your search history shows all your liposuction research, as your Photoshop bills skyrocket. Several of your eHarmony dates
The new market share for Windows Phone are brutal. According to Kantar Worldpanel, Microsoft’s share dropped from 4.7% to 3.6% in the US by May 2014 vs last year. It’s also declining in Germany, flat-lining in Brazil, and completely vanishing in China. To a heated, two-horse race, Microsoft brought a donkey. That doesn’t mean there’s no hope. After all, how