Is There An Alternative to YouTube? I Review 5 Contenders
Besides YouTube, are there any viable alternatives for sharing and consuming videos? 5 of them reviewed,
Is There An Alternative to YouTube? I Review 5 Contenders Read More »
Besides YouTube, are there any viable alternatives for sharing and consuming videos? 5 of them reviewed,
Is There An Alternative to YouTube? I Review 5 Contenders Read More »
What if I told you Twitter was sitting on something BIG? Get your mind out of the gutter! Buried deep inside Twitter is a simple, sexy fix for our social media woes – hate speech, cancel culture, rage mobs, demonetization and silencing of free speech. The same fix would work for Facebook, YouTube, and other
How Sex Saves Free Speech & Stops Social Media Wars From Becoming Real Ones Read More »
“Influence” is the most powerful and misunderstood force in society today. It’s often confused with power, fame, talent and even force. But real influence is far more graceful and subversive. Real influence is born out of conquest but wielded with grace. And real influencers have more in common with pioneers who settled the West, than
Sure all those social media apps on your phone have quirky logos and cutesy names. (Is Fandoogle taken?) But every one of these companies is a stone cold KILLER. While filling our days with grumpy cat videos, they fill their bellies with fleshy chunks of hopeful, desperate media partners, who learned the hard way that
Beautiful Zombies [The 12 New Rules For The Future of Media, Part 2] Read More »
What can $500,000 buy you…? Apparently, admission for your dumbass kids to any top-tear collidge. (Trying to relate.) I did a video (below) on the rich and famous college bribery scandal, but thought it deserved a bit more depth and ranting. Here, I expand on why this isn’t just about wealth and privilege, but branding and religion.
Random Thoughts from 08-11-16 1. Why Trevor Noah Makes Me Sad Just watched a Trevor Noah clip from The Daily Show. He’s a talented, funny, likable guy, but in the wrong job. He’s been cornered into doing a Jon Stewart impression, talking about issues he’s neither expert in or passionate about – and it shows.
Trevor Noah, Politics, Twitter, Drones & Dumplings Read More »
(This piece originally appeared on Forbes) The demise of Google+ is a cautionary tale of rivalry, missed opportunity, and of course, drunk geeks waltzing. (…I’ll explain.) As an active user of Google+ and casual clairvoyant of Google’s strategy, it’s no surprise that you’re almost as likely to be bodyboarding with Gisele Bündchen as reading this sentence on Google+. While Google+ loyalists hunt
This is a subscriber-only update to Steve Faktor’s Deconstructing Google Strategy article in Forbes. It’s a deep-dive into what Google & its competitors might do next.
Google Strategy Part II: The Deep Dive [Free Login] Read More »
After Google’s I/O announcements, I flashed back to a dozen or so conversations I’ve had with executives and entrepreneurs about what Google is doing. Reading between the lines, some imagined buying yachts after a Google acquisition. Others feared downgrading to an inner tube if Google entered their space. The best way to think about what Google might