6 Web Security Tips for Shady Chrome Extensions

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A third of Google Chrome extensions get way too much access to your data – some of it nefarious. Here are a few online security suggestions to reduce your exposure:

  1. Only log into sensitive financial sites from an incognito window with extensions disabled. (Avoid Firefox for now. It does not currently disable add-ons in this mode.)
  2. Activate ‘2-factor authentication’ on all your accounts, including email
  3. Use a password manager to generate complex passwords & sync them across devices. We like the open source Keepass for advanced users & Lastpass for more novice ones.
  4. Delete or disable any extension you haven’t used in a month.
  5. Use ad & tracking blocker extensions. We currently like Ublock Origin + Disconnect combo. Though you may need to enable certain trackers for some sites. Can get tricky. In a pinch, open the site incognito.
  6. Most browsers have tracking and ad blockers that you should activate. We’re also experimenting with blocking 3rd party cookies, but know this will break some sites that rely on outside domains, like shopping sites.

Have other suggestions? Tweet them @ideafaktory, if we like them, we’ll add them here (with credit).

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