Greatest Hits

[9] My Beautiful Monstrosity with Jim Jefferies

This week is a treat. I welcome comedian Jim Jefferies as my guest. Yes, the same Jim Jefferies who told Piers Morgan to “F*** off!” on Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday.  This episode is a about a dark, ugly, beautiful revelation I had, inspired by a brilliant bit on Jim’s Netflix special, Freedumb. As a […]

the 12 new rules of media - the platformation - ideafaktory - the mcfuture podcast with steve faktor

The 12 New Rules For The Future of Media [Part 1: The Platformation]

Why did Netflix become a devious backstabber? In a game of F***/Marry/Kill, why would Spotify marry me, murder Adele, and f*** Sony? And why the does the future of YouTube hang on our loins? Believe it or not, each of those questions is deeper and funnier than it looks. This three part series dares to […]

Why Even Musk Can’t Trump The Inevitable

Is there a formula to predict the future? Not just the future, but THE INEVITABLE? Here’s my draft. It challenges everything we believe about ideas, innovation & our future. And explains why Elon Musk and Donald Trump are powerless against fate. But we are not. A feast for your imagination…with a few halfway-decent jokes sprinkled in. […]

Would You Trust A Schizophrenic? (With Your Healthcare) [Part 3 of 6]

Like any authentic pinata, Part 3 of The Capitalist Solution For Universal Healthcare is packed with candy and nails. So many expect so much from government, especially healthcare. But what can this monster actually deliver? A cynic (or libertarian) might say, “NOTHING!! GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK!” But you’re in luck. This is a balanced report card […]

[8] 5 Reasons Why Bullshit Won

Ever wonder why suddenly there’s all kinds of “fake news” and everyone, including our President, can lie without consequence? Steve Faktor explains the five evolutionary reasons why bullshit is winning. Enjoy the latest episode of The McFuture podcast (or read it below)! Remember to share it & rate it  5-stars on iTunes!  In 1963, 10 […]

How Sex Saves Free Speech The McFuture podcast with steve faktor

How Sex Saves Free Speech & Stops Social Media Wars From Becoming Real Ones

What if I told you Twitter was sitting on something BIG? Get your mind out of the gutter! Buried deep inside Twitter is a simple, sexy fix for our social media woes – hate speech, cancel culture, rage mobs, demonetization and silencing of free speech. The same fix would work for Facebook, YouTube, and other […]

Schooled By Stiglitz – Nobel Economist’s 40-Minute Crash Course on EVERYTHING

Ever get the urge to run all your wild theories by a Nobel Prize-winning economist? Well, I got to do just that with the former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Columbia University Professor, and author of:  People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens […]


This is the big one. On this episode of The McFuture podcast, we dig deep into why everything we heard about income inequality is wrong. Here are the real root causes. Enjoy.  (Though slightly less thrilling, you can also read it below…)

Why So Fury U.S.? | Mistweeted by Steve Faktor #5 | The McFuture Podcast

Steve Faktor explores American Fury, startup cults, scope creep, certain idiots & much more! Controversy shall ensue. 

World Without Billionaires

Every night, dozens of billionaires curl up with an underfed model, wondering where their next plate of wealth-affirming foie gras will come from. But heartless Americans don’t care. They want billionaires to pay for universal healthcare, universal basic income (UBI), free college, and a pocket comb for Bernie. What if they met every demand? Would we […]

The 4C’s Of InnovationTM

The Famous 4E’s Of Google Strategy & the updated version featured on the cover story of Germany’s Capital Magazine

Our Platform Risk Matrix, which predicted twitter’s developer ouster a year in advance

Fun, viral taxonomies like The 9 Corporate Personality Types & 15 Faces Of Facebook

Should Your Startup Be Charitable Decision Matrix

Social Media Network Map


PrescriptionHP Could Reinvent 3D Printing And Itself (Forbes, 10/2012)

11/2013 – Meg Whitman Announced A Virtual Clone Of Steve’s Strategy As Documented By This Blogger

Prediction: Anticipated Twitter’s Instability & Alienation Of Its Developers In Surviving Platform Risk (See Chart) (10/2011)

8/2012 – Twitter’s Api Update Cuts Off Oxygen To Third-Party Clients

Facebook Upends Publishers, Switching From Clickbait To Pay-To-Play, Then Video, Then Away From News Publishers.

Prediction: In Deconstructing Google’s Strategy & Detailed Google Report accurately Predicted Investment In Future Opportunities (Like Education), Disposition Of Motorola & Failure Of Google+. (Forbes/LinkedIn/Cover Story Of Germany’s Top Business Magazine Capital 05/2013)

1/2014 – Google Sells Motorola

4/2014 – Vic Gundotra, Google+ Head Departs

2/2014 – Google Capital Lands $300 Million And Leaps Into Web Education

5-2014 – Google Debuts Classroom, A Free Apps For Education Tool To Help Teachers Create And Collect Assignments

Prescription: Corporations Should Drop Diploma Requirement To Cure College Debt (LinkedIn, 1/2014)

09/2018 – Google, Apple And 13 Other Companies That No Longer Require Employees To Have A College Degree

2015 – Ernst & Young Stopped Requiring Degrees. Should You?

Prescription: 10 New Rules For Mobile Payments And Loyalty Startups (Forbes, 3/2013)

Virtually Every Rule Still Holds True, E.g. E-Wallets Are Not A Business, Failures Of QR Codes/ NFC/Social In Payments, Etc.

Full List 


Provocative predictions & prescriptions on where innovation, economics & culture will take us. Fearless. Funny.