Vampires, Oligarchs & Dr. Facebook [Universal Healthcare – Part 5 of 6]

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You didn’t think it was going to be that easy to get that terrific system we proposed last episode, did you? To make universal healthcare work for Americans, providers and insurers, we came up with $3 TRILLION in efficiency, growth and prevention innovations. We did all the hard work, so you can go right back to flipping through Emily Rotajakowasakjdiski’s Instagram.

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In case you missed previous parts of this special 6-part series of The McFuture PodcastThe Capitalist Solution to Universal Healthcare, check out:

  1. PART 1: Wrong Question 
  2. PART 2: The 13 Economic Crimes of American Healthcare 
  3. PART 3: Would You Trust A Schizophrenic? (With Your Healthcare)?
  4. PART 4: Something Terrific!!

Remember to subscribe to get the big finale ‘PART 6: The Last Bastion

Sign up for our email list on this page to find out when our e-book (with all research, links & charts) is out.


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Provocative predictions & prescriptions on where innovation, economics & culture will take us. Fearless. Funny.