Old IdeaFaktory Podcast #4: Social Strategies with Cirque du Soleil’s Andy Levey

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Cirque du Soleil’s Andy Levey joins Steve Faktor to discuss the business of social, including:

  1. Can you make Charmin cool on social media?
  2. Is Mark Cuban alone at being mad at Facebook?
  3. Do platforms have monopoly power?
  4. The economics and future of Twitter and Google+
  5. How actionable is social data?
  6. Is the social user a real human or a “subset of humanity”
  7. Is buying fake followers like paying for a stripper?
  8. Who is a real influencer or expert? How to use brand ambassadors.
  9. Can you sell through social media?

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast here and visit ideafaktory for more daring ideas for innovators.

Awesome intro music by The Walkers

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