Prescription: Colleges Should Become Incubators
Status: Occurring
“By the time they get to college, teens with entrepreneurial tendencies should be treated a little differently. What if they could also turn a profit by the time they graduate? We’re not quite there yet, but schools like Babson and University of Miami are inching closer. First- year students at Babson’s School of Entrepreneurship start their own business and work it from idea to dissolution. From selling speakers to flip-flops, there is real money on the line, but it’s still business with training wheels…
These programs could eventually evolve to offer conditional scholarships and links to private financing during the school year to offset tuition costs and give companies a first-look opportunity at emerging entrepreneurs and their inventions.”
Econovation, 2011 p.150
What Happened
Accelerators Are The New Business School
M.B.A. Programs Start to Follow Silicon Valley Into the Data Age 2014
Look No Further: Universities are Funding Startups to Ensure Students Succeed 2017
Universities, Hoping to Sway Millennials, are Now Opening Innovation Hubs for Undergraduates 2017
Google Funds a Design School That Works Like a Tech Incubator 2014
A Billion-Dollar Company Wants to Turn Kindergartners Into Entrepreneurs 2017
WeWork is launching a new private elementary school, called WeGrow, that will teach students how to start their own for-profit businesses.