RECESSIONOMICS: Will There Be A Recession in 2022?

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These are schizophrenic times. Companies can’t fill jobs or baby bottles, prices are skyrocketing, and Amber Heard/Junky Depp get more coverage than the Ukraine war. Plus, millions now get paid without leaving homes they overpaid for. And now, the Fed is raising rates to stop “transitory” inflation, which feels as permanent than trans surgery. Everything is stupid and stupendous, all at once.

So is this a recipe for recession? If so, how serious? This episode offers answers…more delightfully and irreverently than anyone could expect for this topic.


  • 00:00 Intro/Narrowing Down The Causes
  • 01:24 World Bank’s Bummer Projections
  • 03:24 China Zero Force
  • 04:24 Showdown: 2022 vs 2008
  • 10:19 Formula F**k-Up or F**k-Up Formula?
  • 12:16 Polarization Paralysis
  • 12:48 Predictions: Debt & Borrowing
  • 14:57 Predictions: Recession Timing, Severity, Impact
  • 16:21 Predictions: World’s Safest Industries
  • 17:20 Why Every Day Is Groundhog’s Day At The Fed
  • 19:06 Woke War I: What Netflix Was Really Saying
  • 20:34 Woke War I: What Elon Musk vs. Work At Home Really Means
  • 22:05 What’s Her Name Is—Was—A Genius
  • 22:37 Real Reason Elon’s Twitter Deal Will Fail
  • 22:59 Selective ‘Pride’
  • 24:09 Unloved Job Hoppers
  • 24:33 Startupocalypse? (Uber, Grubhub, Instacart & More)
  • 25:55 Trading Races
  • 26:50 Startupocalypse: Direct-to-Consumer Ships The Bed
  • 27:34 Startupocalypse: Tesla Clones Disease
  • 28:06 Startupocalypse: BetterHelp Singularity
  • 29:06 And This Recession’s Biggest Winner Is…Not Gonna Be Thrilled

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