
Prediction: Google Will Know All

Status: Occurring Prediction: Google will know all “Google knows your dark, ugly, dirty truths.  Your transcribed Google Voice messages reveal you argued nonstop on that island vacation as your kids yelled, “I hate you!” in the background.  Your search history shows all your liposuction research, as your Photoshop bills skyrocket.  Several of your eHarmony dates […]

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Microsoft’s Nuclear Option for Mobile

The new market share for Windows Phone are brutal. According to Kantar Worldpanel, Microsoft’s share dropped from 4.7% to 3.6% in the US by May 2014 vs last year. It’s also declining in Germany, flat-lining in Brazil, and completely vanishing in China. To a heated, two-horse race, Microsoft brought a donkey. That doesn’t mean there’s no hope. After all, how

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What Killed Google+ And What Can Save It

(This piece originally appeared on Forbes) The demise of Google+ is a cautionary tale of rivalry, missed opportunity, and of course, drunk geeks waltzing. (…I’ll explain.) As an active user of Google+ and casual clairvoyant of Google’s strategy, it’s no surprise that you’re almost as likely to be bodyboarding with Gisele Bündchen as reading this sentence on Google+. While Google+ loyalists hunt

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Deconstructing Google’s Strategy

After Google’s I/O announcements, I flashed back to a dozen or so conversations I’ve had with executives and entrepreneurs about what Google is doing. Reading between the lines, some imagined buying yachts after a Google acquisition. Others feared downgrading to an inner tube if Google entered their space.  The best way to think about what Google might

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